While campus life has a lot to offer, the same can be said for Elmira, 纽约, 和 the surrounding area.

mg冰球突破豪华版下载坐落在迷人的五指湖地区,是一个约有3.5万人口的小城市. 你可以通过四处走走和参观景点来了解这个小镇的历史和文化. There are 博物馆, farmers markets, a performing arts center, a downtown community, 和 even a historic baseball field. 再走几英里,你就可以去打高尔夫球、滑雪、徒步旅行,或者去餐馆和酿酒厂品尝.

我们靠近伊萨卡、锡拉丘兹、宾厄姆顿、罗切斯特和布法罗等城市. 我们离多伦多、纽约、费城和华盛顿特区的主要城区不远.C.


Points to Know 和 Places to Go in Elmira

Two male students walk by the Mark Twain study

The Mark Twain Study 和 the Mark Twain Exhibit

这些校园景点每年吸引超过1万名游客. 甘尼特-特里普图书馆的展览包含了吐温在埃尔迈拉时期的许多照片和其他纪念品,参观考尔斯大厅外的书房可以让你回到过去,走进吐温创作许多最具代表性作品的空间, 包括 The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.

Center for Mark Twain Studies

访问ors look at art on the walls of the Arnot Art Museum

Photo credit: Finger Lakes Wine Country

The outside of the Chemung Valley 历史 Museum

Photo credit: Finger Lakes Wine Country

Arnot Art Museum

这个特殊的博物馆收藏了17世纪到19世纪的欧洲绘画作品, 19th century American paintings, 和雕塑. 临时展览欢迎来自世界各地的艺术收藏. Since its opening in 1913, 阿诺艺术博物馆已经成为一个领先的文化机构,专注于促进视觉艺术和增强该地区的文化.  

Chemung Valley Museum

The largest general history museum in the region, 车芒谷博物馆通过互动式展览,讲述了车芒县的历史, educational programming, 和 lectures for visitors of all ages. During the summer months, 游客们可以在博物馆参加吐温乡村夏季之旅,在导游的带领下游览mg冰球突破豪华版下载市, 包括马克·吐温在欧共体的书房,以及马克·吐温和他的家人在伍德劳恩公墓的最后安息之地.

The Clemens Center

Photo credit: Finger Lakes Wine Country

Downtown Elmira

mg冰球突破豪华版下载的市中心区,毗邻EC校园,提供餐馆,博物馆,和更多! Enjoy professional hockey 和 other events at the 4,000 seat First Arena, or take in a show at the Clemens Center, a 1,600-seat theater is home to live entertainment, 包括 touring Broadway 音乐als, professional drama, 跳舞, 音乐, 和喜剧, as well as local productions 和 charity events. Throughout the year, 埃尔迈拉市区发展在该地区举办户外音乐会等活动, a weekly farmers market, street painting festival, 和 outdoor movie nights.

Near Westside Historic District

这个住宅区被列入国家史迹名录,并以各种建筑风格为特色. Walking tours are offered throughout the year.

Elmira Pioneers Baseball

mg冰球突破豪华版下载南区历史悠久的邓恩球场是mg冰球突破豪华版下载先锋队的所在地, 谁为社区提供了多年的夏季棒球比赛. 享受夏天的天气,游戏,和美国的一个经典棒球场的气氛.

An aerial view of the National Soaring Museum

Photo credit: Finger Lakes Wine Country

National Soaring Museum

Known as the "Soaring Capital of America," Elmira is home to the National Soaring Museum, 世界上最大的经典和当代滑翔机展览在哪里. Located on Harris Hill, 博物馆的飞行场地是全国飞行比赛和滑翔机飞行的举办地. EC's official mascot, the Soaring Eagle, 被选为“世界翱翔之都”是为了向mg冰球突破豪华版下载地区的荣誉致敬,“它的丘陵和山谷自然适合滑翔机飞行.

A student st和s in front of the Tanglewood Nature Center

Tanglewood Nature Center 和 Museum

坦格尔伍德有两条步道系统,有超过10英里的徒步旅行路线,可以免费使用. 自然中心的展厅以“黑暗的森林”为特色,展示了代表该地区温带橡树山核桃林的本地动物标本和40多种活体动物, ranging from arthropods to reptiles to mammals.

Seneca lake 和 vineyard
Cars race around the Watkins Glen Motor Speedway track

Photo credits: Finger Lakes Wine Country

Explore the Finger Lakes Region

Regional attractions include the Corning Museum of Glass, Watkins Glen International Raceway, the National Warplane Museum, Finger Lakes 酒庄 和啤酒厂, 和 a variety of cultural 和 recreational opportunities.

通过访问我们的旅游合作伙伴,探索该地区所提供的一切, Mark Twain CountryFinger Lakes Wine Country.

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